Thursday, 16 January 2014


Artist Jim Woodall experiments with films, maps, performative events, and objects. he pushes the exploration of sculpture with his exploration of monoliths, monuments and the modern. The RCA graduate uses concrete as his main medium and connects it with the concept of time, space and gravity. Woodall uses concrete as it has changed our understanding of nature, most noticeable in his pieces 'Im Supposed to be the One You Want,' and 'Sweetheart Don't be Sad.' as it is one of the worlds most versatile and plentiful building materials yet it is contradictory in nature. He concentrates very much on the process, making the event of making a material. its also a material we use for stability, in the sense of environmental, political, and economic. I am inspired by the concepts of Woodall's work and his use of using a material we rely on, relating to my subject of unnatural and artificial. In my piece i want to create artificial life, making a fish costume and placing them in plastic chairs. the fish costume is a mimic of the real fish. The idea behind the plastic chairs is because its a material we strongly depend on. i liked the idea of the plastic being inflatable as it is an object we rely on, yet it could pop or break so easily, questioning the reliability of the unnatural. yet then the fish inside the chairs change their positions. The chairs then become an actual living environment for the fish, helping them survive. also making the plastic dependable in a different way. The use of plastic especially due to the type of animal i have used (fish) is interesting as it is a dangerous material that fish are harmed and sometimes die from when in the sea. the fact it is now being used to keep them alive and provide sanctuary is funny, and slightly contradictory.

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