Thursday, 15 May 2014


rewacthed Marvin Gaye Chetwynds 'wat do artists do all day,'
in really like the fact all her pieces are made my her, and not trying to be in a professionally particular manure of detail and quality, but in a hurry to get them created, where its a costume or massive animalistic installation to quickly crete the idea she wants to make, rather then pay lots of time to fiddly jobs.
the costumes are made cheaply, and are brightly coloured creating fun, joyous pieces.
'funny, pleasure, exuberance, laughter,' are the points hit on her pieces, are all are to an extent relatable,m it think thats also a note not he quality of costumes, they are relatable and enjoyable to any public member.

a strong point of reason to why she uses film recently to document and show her works, is because chaos and mayhem can be performed, then presented as a film to the public making it seem like they are there watching it, still keeping the engagement of the audience.

all filming is done in a way to play tribute to low budget visual effects.

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