Friday, 30 January 2015


Edwina Ashton and other artists were involved in such as David Shrigley and Sarah Lucas. the room on the 'Absurd' was curated by harry hill the comedian
the absurd is a theme i want to explore heavily in my work and this exhibion is incredibly inspiring
i am finding it difficult for the installationa nd develpoment of my exhibion because i think thats the part i find hardest about my work. i am going to stop trying to make the setting compltytly involved with my film content, stop makign the space look like an animal or have pure animal conatations to it because its far to limiting
i want to develope this absurd theme and get differnt couloured materials and make an installtion taht is invasive or has to involev te participation of the audinace
like a small tent or film screening envionment

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